The Tempest (Film) Irony

The Tempest (Film) Irony


Prospera is begged by Ariel to remember that she must set him free as she promised. Ironically, this doesn't bring to mind her promise, but instead makes her angry at him for even speaking to her this way after she set him free from slavery.

A Spy

Prospera calls Ferdinand a spy as she sees him with Miranda and knows they are in love. Ironically, she has bid Ariel to do magic upon the young prince so that he would fall in love with his daughter and she is simply manipulating him with her anger towards him.


King Alonso believes that his son is dead after their ship has been destroyed at sea. Antonio tells him he saw him ride on one of the waves into the shore, but ironically the King does not believe him and holds to his position that Ferdinad is gone.

Animal Skin

Trinculo comes upon Caliban and cannot decipher if he is dead or alive, man or fish or beast. Yet, it's obvious that he is alive, but ironically Trinculo doesn't pay any attention to it, and pulls himself underneath the same animal skin that Caliban is hiding under.

Man in the Moon

Stephano tells Caliban that he is the man in the moon and he has fallen from the sky and come to this very island where he lives. He is telling Caliban this as a joke upon the beast of a man, but ironically Caliban believes him and offers himself in servitude to Stephano. And in turn Stephano agrees to make the man his slave happily.

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