The Stranger

What answer does Meusault offer for killing the Arab. How Does this response an example of absurdism?

the awnser is found after page 103 but i cannot find it

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Part Two skips to after Meursault has been arrested. He is quickly questioned to ascertain his identity. He is appointed an attorney though his case is so simple he does not think he needs one. He is taken into an interrogation room which reminds him of interrogations in books he has read. It goes quite pleasantly and he almost shakes the magistrates's hand upon leaving. His lawyer meets him in his cell and questions him as well so that he can help. He is disturbed by the answers Meursault gives in response to questions about his feelings at Maman's funeral. Meursault refuses to say that he had repressed natural feelings of sadness because it is not true. Although those details have little to do with the present case, the lawyer it explains it will come up in court. He leaves angrily and Meursault wishes he could tell him that he is just like everyone else but is too lazy to stop him.

He is then taken to the magistrate again who seems cordial, at first asking him to go over the details of the murder again. He is bothered by the fact that Meursault hesitated between the first shot and the following four. Meursault does not know what reason to give and does not think it really matters. The magistrate explodes. He grabs a crucifix and shoves it in Meursault's face, asking him if he believes in God. He is infuriated to learn that Meursault does not. Finally, hoping that he will stop, Meursault agrees with him at which point the magistrate encourages him to say that he will trust in God to which Meursault disagrees. The magistrate comments that Meursault's is the most hardened soul of any criminal he has met. Meursault has a difficult time realizing that he is a criminal now. Meetings with the magistrate run smoother after the first meeting. Meursault is always accompanied by his lawyer and most of the time is left out of the conversation. He enjoys the parts he participates in and comments that the whole process seemed very natural and he feels like "one of the family". He finds it strange to remember a time happier than the cordial moments with the magistrate.


absurdism; follow the link below, and go to the 4th paragraph in the analysis.
