The Stranger

Part II Chapert 4

How would you describe the explanation Meursault is finally allowed to give? What point do you think Camus is trying to make with this?

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"When asked if he has anything to add, Meursault asserts that he never intended to kill the Arab. He is flustered when asked why he did kill and finally says the sun. The room laughs."

Mersault answers with the truth as he sees it; his answer, "the sun," may be sarcasm or it may be just the way in which he reaches for an answer because he DOESN"T have one. He doesn't have a reason, and he doesn't have an answer anymore than he had a motive for the murder. These few words prove mersault has NOTHING to give or add to anything.


The Stranger

Thanks Jill for answering the first part, but could you please answer the second one as well. What point do you think Camus is trying to make with this?
