The Stranger

Absurdity & Meursault's Reasons

I recently finished the book and I quite enjoyed it. But there's one thing I'm really not understanding. I've been researching the book and its themes, and I always come across the concept of absurdity, and how Meursault's actions lack rational order, and how he has no reasons for what he does. Common examples are his marriage to Marie and his decision to kill the Arab.

But I don't get it. Though he was obviously indifferent about the whole ordeal, Meursault did mention that he'd marry Marie if she liked. Isn't that a reason? He agrees to make her to make her happy? And the murder. Wasn't he driven to the act because of the heat?

Could someone explain please?

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The world is guided by a basic Physics principle- relativity. Yes, Meursault's actions are driven by reasons, as understood by his conscience, but which are not recognized by the society's apparent rational order. Aristotle had said that what makes a man different from an animal is his ability of rational thinking. Throughout the novel we find Meursault with an observant eye towards the physical world around him. In the funeral we find him describing the effect of sun on him, his perspiration, the dung smell. Baudelaire had said that we are all in the process of being humans, we are not there yet. So, how much our thinking is rational in relation to others can not be measured in terms of absolutes. Meursault is rational for the world, the world within him,as said by Camus in his 'Myth of Sisyphus':"rock is the world".