The Story of Lucy Gault Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Story of Lucy Gault Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Vest

The author symbolically uses the vest to represent Lucy's drowning in the sea. The author writes, "Lucy takes off her clothes to bathe in the sea, and the dog sometimes takes them and hoards them. She is unable to find a particular vest, but she does not tell her parents. When she runs away, her father discovers the vest, which becomes the basis of their belief that she drowned at sea. “

Petrol Cans

After the shooting incident, Everand realizes that there are petrol cans under behind the tree. The petrol cans symbolize the intentions of the intruders to burn the house. The author writes, “The petrol tins were found behind a tree. The pebbles were raked, a couple of bucketfuls that had been discolored in the accident taken way.”


Lahardane's house epitomizes Gault's family history. According to the author, Lahardane is not just a house but a reflection of Gault's family history. The author writes, "For generations, the Gaults have lived at Lahardane, and it is more than a house for the three Gaults of this history."


Montemarmoreo is a symbol of a haven. Everand relocates to Montemarmoreo after World War I till World War II. However, Lucy is left behind because her parents believe that she drowned in the sea.

The poisoned dogs

The Lahardane’s intruders' first step is to kill the guard dogs so that they can gain easy entry to the building and torch it. Surprisingly, no one is ready to think of the dead dogs and their contributions to ensuring the house's safety. Poisoned dogs represent the unappreciative nature of human beings towards animals. The author writes, "No action was taken about the poisoning of the dogs.” Consequently, there are no measures to ensure the safety of dogs in the coming days.

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