The Storm

The Storm Summary

A four-year-old boy named Bibi and his father Bobinôt are stuck at Friedheimer’s store while a storm gathers. Bibi is worried about his mother, Calixta, who is at home alone, but they resolve to wait out the storm at the store. Bobinôt buys a can of shrimp for Calixta for when they return. It's one of her favorite foods.

Back home, Calixta is busy with housework, but eventually notices the approaching storm. She hurries to shut the windows and bring in laundry that's hanging out to dry. That's when Alcée, an old acquaintance of Calixta's, rides up on his horse, asking for shelter from the storm. Calixta welcomes him. She is quite worried about her son and husband, who did not arrive home yet. But that worry gives way to passion, as Calixta and Alcée reignite their old flame, and ultimately end up having sex while protected by a raging storm that makes it impossible for anyone to leave wherever they are. Much of this encounter is shown from Calixta's perspective. Afterward, Alcée rides away on his horse and Calixta laughs with joy as she says goodbye.

Bibi and Bobinôt arrive home after the storm. Calixta is thrilled to see them safe, and Bobinôt is relieved he doesn't have to offer any excuses. When he presents Calixta with the shrimp, she is overjoyed, and the family enjoy a merry dinner, full of laughing.

At home, Alcée writes to his wife Clarisse, saying that if she and the children are enjoying Biloxi they should stay there for a while longer. Clarisses reads the letter, and decides that even though she misses her husband, she is enjoying a kind of independence she hasn't know since she got married. She'll stay in Biloxi for a while longer.

The story ends with the narrator saying the storm has passed and everyone is happy.