The Storm

The Storm Character List


An Arcadian domestic who is Bibi's mother and Bobinôt's wife. She is home alone waiting for her husband and son to return when the storm comes, giving her the chance for a brief tryst with her old flame Alcée.

Alcée Laballière

Alcée is a wealthy Creole who is riding by Calixta’s house when the storm approaches. While seeking shelter from the storm, he initiates an affair with his old flame, Calixta. We learn after that Alcée's wife is away in Biloxi and he encourages her to stay there for longer, implying that he might be interested in pursuing more with Calixta.


Calixta’s husband, also an Arcadian. He clearly loves Calixta—specially buying her a can of shrimp at Friedheimer's store because he knows it's her favorite—but he also fears her a bit. When he and Bibi return home after the storm, he frantically scrapes mud off himself and the boy, and brews up a series of excuses to give Calixta for being gone during the storm. He is relieved when she welcomes him with open arms.


Calixta's and Bobinôt's son, Bibi is portrayed as being much more intelligent than a four-year-old should be. His father treats him like an adult, and he certainly converses like one throughout the story.


Alcée’s wife and also a Creole, Clarisse is in Biloxi with their children during the events of the story. She decides to stay there a little longer, enjoying an autonomy she hasn't known since before was married.