The Skull Beneath the Skin Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Skull Beneath the Skin Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Death Motif

The motif of death is present at the beginning of the novel and continues throughout its page until the end. Aside from the obvious deathly overtones that come from the quotes in the poison pen letters sent to Clarissa Lisle, there are other more subtle reminders of death on the train headed to Courcy Island, in Clarissa's fellow passenger, Ivo Whittingham, whose terminal illness is apparent in his outward appearance. Courcy Castle is also deathly in its content; it houses a Chamber of Horror collected by the owner of the Castle Ambrose Gorringe, who particularly love Victorian figurines of serial killer.

There are also many references to deaths that surround Clarissa, including the death by suicide of Simon's father, and the death of her dresser's daughter.

Devil's Kettle Symbol

The Devil's Kettle is so called because it appear to be the mouth to Hell. It is an underground passageway that was used by smugglers in earlier times, many of whom died there. It leads to the church crypt where rows of skulls are lined up. The name is symbolic of the malevolent feel of the place and the way in which the water at its mouth seem to bubble like a steam furnace.

Length of Ambrose's Confession Symbol

Ambrose confesses all to Clarissa but take an interminably long time to do so. This is a symbol of his devotion to Simon Lessing; Simon was the murderer, and the elongated confession ha allowed him to slip away from the island. The fact that Ambrose deliberately helped him to do this symbolizes the love that he has for Simon and also that he felt there were extenuating circumstance for the murder.

Duchess of Malfi Symbol

Although her story is not allegorical of the Duchess of Malfi', Clarissa's role in the play is nonetheless symbolic of her life. Like the Duchess, she has tried to live with her husband, family and child, but also like the Duchess, has failed to do so harmoniously. Like the Duchess, too, she is seen as something of a meal ticket, especially by her cousin, Roma, who tends to hang around her in the hopes of receiving some money, if not whilst she is living then certainly after she has died. The play that Clarissa has chosen to stage symbolizes the way she feel about her own family and the turmoil that she recognizes in it.

Skull Doodle Symbol

All of the poison pen letters sent to Clarissa include a crude doodle of a skull. This is a symbol of the sender's intent to kill her, and the seriousness of the threats being made. Later, Cordelia realizes that the doodles are also a symbol of the castle itself.

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