The Secret Life of Bees

the secret life of bees- chapter 13

Lily says that she could lock the bitter tone in her voice forever. What does she mean?

Rosaleen is not surprised when Lily tells her that her mother left her. Why did Rosaleen not tell Lily this?

What does Lily ask August to do for her?

What does August do with the honey during the Mary ceremony?

Why is Lily a little annoyed by it?

Why does Lily want to be the last to clean her hands?What does August bring to Lily in the hat box?

What does August say about the mirror?

What does she mean?What does Lily find on the brush?

How does Lily interpret the poem by William Blake that her mother had underlined?

Describe the picture in the frame. What does Lily conclude when she sees this picture?

How does the description of the worker bee at the beginning of the chapter fit Lily?

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Last updated by Navia W #1222835
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Lily means that she still feels anger over her mother's death. You have too many questions here for this short space.
