The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Robin (Symbol)

The robin is symbolic of Mary's budding relationship with the natural world. By witnessing the way people like Dickon or Ben Weatherstaff interact with animals, Mary comes to learn how animals are living beings with a spirit not so different from her own. This is also emphasized when the narrative is momentarily told from the perspective of the robin, showing the reader how the birds that inhabit the gardens are a vital and conscious aspect of the ecosystem, with hopes and fears of their own.

The Secret Garden (Symbol)

The Secret Garden is the central symbol of the story, representing revitalization and how even those things that appear lifeless may regain their health with the proper nurturance. It is Mary's determination to see the garden bloom that allows it to transform from a shameful secret into a meeting ground for the characters to connect and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Through the guidance of Dickon, Mary learns about the diversity of plants and how to care for them. As Mary works on cultivating the garden, she simultaneously grows as a person and becomes more mature and happy. Similarly, Colin is replenished and brought out of sickness through his encounter with the magical garden.

Though the garden was left to wither by Mr. Craven, not all is lost; the rose plants, the favorite flower of Mrs. Craven, are still holding on to life. Thus this is meant to show how despite the depths of human despair, the will of nature to thrive is much stronger.

The Yorkshire Dialect (Motif)

Several times throughout the story the Yorkshire accent spoken by the working class, such as the Sowerby family, is mentioned. Mary, who has been accustomed to the proper British English that she was raised with in India is enchanted by this dialect and often tries to mimic the way her crush Dickon Sowerby speaks. Mary's attempt at the accent shows how she is quick to shed her upper-class sensibility so as to better bond with her new friends at the manor. This motif is meant to evoke themes of class differences that are less of a barrier between children than between adults.

Colin's Eyes (Motif)

There are multiple references to Colin Craven's eyes, which are described to be hauntingly similar to the eyes of his deceased mother. This is initially shown to be a burden to Colin, whose resemblance to his mother has caused him to be associated with grief and tragedy by his own father. Colin hides his mother's portrait in his bedroom as he doesn't wish to meet her happy look, feeling an underlying resentment towards her for his own poor health. Yet as Colin gets better and starts visiting Mrs. Craven's favorite garden, this bitterness disappears and finally Colin uncovers the painting of his mother, able to meet her gaze.

Songs (Motif)

In a few instances, the characters in The Secret Garden share special songs with each other. For instance, Mary sings a peaceful lullaby for Colin to calm him from his emotional meltdown. Colin is thankful for this song as it helps him relax and realize the absurdity of his tantrum. In the garden, Dickon presents the Doxology, a Christian hymn about praising God and His creation, which makes the children feel the presence of magic. These songs serve to connect the characters and inspire them to form a new perspective.