The School for Wives Quotes


“To endure the wrongs which some weak men endure,/Still I am never heard to carp and crow,/For Table have been known to turn, you know,/And there’s no man who can predict,/In fact., How such circumstances he would act. In consequence, should fate bestow on me/ What all must fear, the horns of cuckoldry/The world would treat me gently, I believe,”

(Chrysalde, Act 1 , Scene 1)

The prospect of a man being a casualty of cuckoldry is ascribed to utter fate; therefore, a man lacks the supremacy to circumvent it. Men who stomach cuckoldry are observed as feeble since they are lacking the valor to confront their wives for facilitating the disgraceful cuckoldry. Some men resign to the cuckoldry when they deem it to be a production of fate.

“A man’s not simple to take a simple wife/Your wife, no doubt, is wise, virtuous woman/But brightness , as a rule is bad omen,/ And I know men who’ve undergone much pain /Because they married girls with too much brain.I want no intellectual , if you please.”

(Arnolphe, Act 1, Scene 1)

Arnolphe reasons that wedding a brainy girl is correspondent to charming depraved luck in one’s life. Knowledgeable women, according to Arnolphe, are more likely to cause their husbands’ discomfort due to their astuteness. Comparatively, non-intellectual women espouse an uncomplicated approach that would not defy a man’s supremacy. Arnolphe intimates that wise women are more likely to be two-timing than the foolish women.

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