The Scarlet Pimpernel

What angered Harry Waite?

In the Scarlet pimpernel, in chapter 3 what angered Harry Waite?

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Harry Waite didn't like the disrespect afforded Lord Antony showed to either Jellyband or Sally. He thought Lord Antony's humor to be insulting to his friends.

"Lud, I protest, Sally," added Lord Antony, as he deposited a kiss on Miss Sally's blooming cheeks, "but you are growing prettier and prettier every time I see you—and my honest friend, Jellyband here, have hard work to keep the fellows off that slim waist of yours. What say you, Mr. Waite?"

Mr. Waite—torn between his respect for my lord and his dislike of that particular type of joke—only replied with a doubtful grunt.


The Scarlet Pimpernel