The Rotters' Club Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Rotters' Club Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbolism of the effects of divorce

The challenges and agony that Doug goes through symbolizes the long-term effects of divorce on children. Doug's parents divorced, and since then, he has no sense of direction because he keeps on remembering that a single parent raises him. Doug's mother divorced her husband after realizing that he was cheating on her with a younger woman.

The symbol of social injustice

The social injustice in society is symbolized by racism. Steve Richards is a young, ambitious boy who wants to work towards attaining his goals. Unfortunately, Steve becomes a victim of social injustice when he is mistreated by the whites, making him lose focus in life.


Terrorism is symbolized by violent uprisings and endless riots that end up killing and injuring innocent people. The author wants to remind readers that terrorism is associated with extremism and any other chaotic activity that results in the loss of life and destruction of property. The Irish people have continued to engage in riots and uprisings to demand their rights and push the government to rise to its promises. Unfortunately, these riots are destructive because they result in the loss of lives. After all, the demonstrators take advantage of the situation to engage in terrorism activities.

The symbolism of Progressivism

Progressivism in the text is symbolized by the tremendous infatuation of characters such as Doug and Clair, who want to achieve their goals no matter what obstacle comes ahead of them. Despite the author not revealing their ultimate ends, the reader concludes that Doug and Claire lived their dreams.

Clair Newman (symbol of religious tolerance)

The author touches on religious extremism when he talks about terrorists who bomb and kill people because they do not follow their divine law. Clare strongly opposes organized religion, and she advocates for religious tolerance.

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