The Rotters' Club Irony

The Rotters' Club Irony

The explosion of the bomb

Ben is a very intelligent young boy, and he tops in his class academically. Ben's dream is to become an artist and novelist in the future. Ironically, Ben does not know that the environment around him will deny him his chance of chasing his career. For instance, Ben's academic journey is cut short when a bomb explodes and kills his brother. Ben questions humanity's intentions towards his future.

The irony of the British Nations

The notion of the British as Citizens is that they are the chosen people, and this makes them superior to others. The Irish people living in British nations have continued to suffer from racism because they are considered inferior to the British. Ironically, both British and Irish are whites belonging to the same European territory. Therefore, the reader fails to understand why the British should racially discriminate against the Irish citizens living in Britain.

The irony of extremism

The terrorists assume that they believe in a divine law that every person must observe. Ironically, religion is a choice, but the extremists want to force people to follow their teachings. Consequently, those who try to oppose the extremists are attacked by bombs that kill innocent people and massive destruction of property.

The irony of communalism

The book dates back to the 1970s, and it highlights how people lived during those days. Most characters in the book are in their teenage years, but they are always connected. For instance, the author shows how the characters had a unity of purpose, and they could meet regularly to discuss their ambitions and future careers. Ironically, there were no social media accounts in those days, but people connected very well because they visited each other regularly. It is satirical that contemporary society is losing the communal touch because almost every meeting and conversion is done on social media, limiting physical interaction.

Organized religion

Religion is a matter of choice, and the purpose of religion is to persuade people to observe certain doctrines that are considered holy. However, the organized religion in the text is composed of extremist observers who want every person to follow their religion. As a result, whoever opposes the proposed divine law is killed.

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