The Romance of the Rose Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explain what type of poem is "The Romance of the Rose".

    The poem is often referred to as being a prime example of courtly literature, a type of writing which emerged in the early 12th century in Europe. In "The Romance of the Rose" we see all the characteristics of courtly literature and in fact, this poem was often used as inspiration by other writers who desired to produce similar works of art. One of the main characteristics in this form of writing is the pure love between the protagonists who often do not even meet but rather watch each other from afar. This does not stop the main character from developing an almost insane type of love which also pushes them to get involved in various dangerous behaviors.

  2. 2

    Describe the place in which the second part of the poem takes place and its importance.

    The action in the second part of the poem takes place inside a beautiful garden where the two lovers meet. The garden is extremely important because it represents a locus amoenus, or an imagined perfect place where the action can take place. This type of place is a common motif in courtly literature and it provides the perfect background against which the main characters can dwell into their feelings for one another.

  3. 3

    How is love described in the poem?

    The main theme of the poem is, undoubtedly, love. It is also important to note how this love is described and presented here because it is very representative of the time in which the poem was written. During that time, marriages were seldom between two young people who met and fell in love and rather a political and economic move. The idea of marrying out of love became an ideal similar to the way in which religion was seen. Because of this, love is often described in religious terms, and the way in which the man treats the woman he fell in love with is similar to the way in which a devoted Christian may choose to express his faith.

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