The Roar Metaphors and Similes

The Roar Metaphors and Similes

Sun simile

Clayton uses detailed, descriptive language to describe the setting. She uses a simile to describe the sun setting into the ocean, saying that “The sun was setting over the Atlantic and as it ran like molten gold into the waves."

Mal Gorman metaphor

Clayton uses a metaphor to describe how Mika remembered Mal Gorman: "The features of the old man's face were burned on his brain". The metaphor “burned on his brain” emphasizes how much of an impression Mal Gorman had made on Mika, due to the fact he was so scary.

Ocean simile

The ocean is described with a simile: "Shielded by darkness she hovered over the sea, which heaved beneath her like a black beast pitted by rain." This simile makes the ocean seen threatening and scary, emphasizing the danger Ellie is in.

The Wall simile

The Wall is described with a simile “Where the sea licked it, the concrete was rippled like ice cream by salt". This suggests that The Wall has been corroded, and also gives us an indication of how long it has been there for.

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