The Red Badge of Courage

According to the author of The Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane, explain what it means to be a man even when one has made mistakes?

Minimum 3 sentences.

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I think it means acknowledging the mistake and taking responsibility for it. The second part of it is to change one's actions in the future. Although Henry ran away in the first battle, he later takes responsibility for his actions and becomes a seasoned soldier.

Crane seems to concentrate on accepting one's mistakes and using them to humble oneself. Towards the end of the novel, he writes about the soldiers' quietness. This is in contrast to the "rumors of noise" and bravado at the beginning of the book. Crane also dwells on the soldiers ability to fight in the face of fear. It seems that to him this is being a man.

Why do you think Stephen Cran reffrred to Henry as "the young soldier " when most of the other soldiers were very near his age ?