The Red and the Black Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Red and the Black Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Red and black colours (Symbol)

The colours used in the name of the novel symbolize contrasting concepts: both career paths (army and clergy, respectively) and specific emotions. Red is the symbol of passion, desire, aspiration of the main heroes. Everyone aspired to some things, imagining their life and the life of the whole country in a better light. However, everything is not so easy, there is also a black colour, that symbolize obstacles, which make the way to happiness more difficult. Also, black colour may symbolize the darker side of human’s soul, because Julien choose money instead of love, Madame de Renal choose unhappy marriage instead of sincerity of feelings, her husband always was disingenuous to her and to all the people because of his will to be better than everyone.

Drama (Motif)

As the novel has a romantic mood, all the events are happening very dramatically, deep and playful. “The young tutor and his shy mistress could have found enlightenment for themselves in three or four of these novels, and even in high school poetry”. The novel have outlined what roles to play, giving them models to imitate, and sooner or later, characters had to start play out the game. The love story of the novel is very typical for theatre playing, when love is forbidden but still desirable and make a person to do crazy things.

Jail (Allegory)

Julian's arrival in jail represents the turning point in his life. Prison is like a chance to think over his actions, thoughts and finally understand himself. It's a paycheck for all his deeds, for the insincerity of feelings and lies to himself, and to others.

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