The Rape of Nanking Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Rape of Nanking Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The sea of blood (Symbol)

When the Japanese army entered Nanking, its wrath and ferocity frightened even the representatives of the Japanese press. They witnessed numerous cases of mass murdering of soldiers and civilians. One reporter saw a pond “just outside of Nanking”, which “looked like a sea of blood – with splendid colors”. This blood of sea became a symbol of the massacre. Due to the fact that the soldiers killed not only men, but women and children, the streets of the city were colored with blood of the innocent people.

Military wolf-dogs (Allegory)

Military wolf-dogs are an allegory of brutality, wildness and heartlessness. Nanking was filled with dogs “gnawing at the dead flesh” and military wolf dogs “eating the corpses”. One of the most diabolical tortures was “death by dogs”. The victims were buried to their waist and then “ripped apart by German shepherds”. The dogs couldn’t understand what they did and fully comprehend all horror of it. Brained-washed with military propaganda, the Japanese soldiers were more like wolf-dogs in their ferocity, than people.

Orgy of violence (Motif)

This story is dedicated to the massacre in Nanking, whose horror continues to live in hearts of its victims. It was “an orgy of cruelty if ever matched in world history”. The “mountain made of dead bodies” grew higher and higher with every new day of the massacre. The whole story is dedicated to war crimes and injustice which reigned during those several weeks.

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