The Pyramid Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Pyramid Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The pyramid symbolism

The word pyramid is only mentioned once in the novel. Oliver talks about getting a Christmas present from the Ewan family and that it vibrated in time to crystal pyramid. The mention of Ewan family is the key here because Oliver often talks about the social difference between them and his family. Ewan family are higher up on the social pyramid while his family is somewhere lower. Therefore the pyramid symbolizes the social pyramid that is represented in Stillbourne.

Robert's motor bike symbol

Robert Ewan has a motor bike while Oliver doesn't. Oliver is jealous at Robert because of this and thinks in the back of his mind that, as ridiculous as it may be, if he had a motor bike too that he will be equal to Robert on the social pyramid. The motor bike is a symbol of the social difference between Oliver and Robert.

Motif of darkness

Darkness is where things are hidden; darkness is the place of the unknown. At the beginning of the novel, Oliver helps Robert to get Bounce's car out of the dark woods during the night and it is the darkness of the night that hides what happened. Oliver loses his virginity with Evie in the darkness of the forest, and it is where they meet over and over again, believing that their secret will be hidden. As a child Oliver was afraid of the darkness of Bounce's house and always felt uneasy going there.

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