The Pillow Book (Film) Irony

The Pillow Book (Film) Irony


Jerome takes pills in order to win Nagiko back through an attempt at suicide. Ironically, Jerome gives himself too much and he ends up killing himself in his attempt to win back Nagiko.


The Publisher has lusted after, blackmailed and corrupted so many people in his life with his abuse of publishing power. He has fed his carnal desire all his life without thought of the repercussions upon anyone else. Ironically, when the reality of what he has done is exposed before him the guilt and shame he experiences causes him to end his life.


Jerome has agreed to bring Nagiko's writing into the publisher upon his body. He is a way in for her words to get to the publisher. Ironically, Jerome whom Nagiko has trusted wholly is having an affair with the publisher himself and this ends their romance.


Nagiko meets Jerome and rejects him as she does not like the way he writes upon her body. Ironically, in pursuing her she finds romance with him and a new found love of writing upon him which she had never desired before.


Nagiko's father writes words of good fortune upon her face every year for her birthday when she is a child. Ironically this act of love turns into a desire that is only fulfilled in sexual desires as she becomes an adult.

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