The Perks of Being a Wallflower

In what way do you find the language of the novel? Give examples about your opinion with quotes.

In what way do you find the language of the novel?

Give examples about your opinion with quotes.

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"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky is written in an epistolary format. Charlie, the protagonist, writes letters to an anonymous source to whom he pours his heart out about his personal and family problems. The letters are clear and well-written which is a testament to Charlie who not only brilliant but is the most gifted person his English teacher ever met.

Charlie writes to his source with great humbleness and politeness. He explains that he omits certain elements of what he is writing about if he feels that are too inappropriate to convey. He addresses each letter with the date and the salutation, "Dear friend." He ends each letter with, "Love Always, Charlie."

The identity of the anonymous source is never revealed. By writing to a source who does not know who Charlie is and can't respond with any advice or comment, it is obvious that Charlie needed someone to vent to. By choosing someone who didn't know anything about him or even who he was, Charlie was able to tell secrets and discuss things that he had been taught not to.

The principal characters are teenagers. Charlie does not include many four-letter words in his letters but he does describe some of the typical behavior of teens including drinking, taking drugs, smoking pot and having sex (he usually accidentally observes others having the latter). Charlie suffered from emotional problems. He had a total collapse and had to be hospitalized and undergo long-term therapy. However, writing the letters which spanned his first year in high school and the summer afterward was probably therapeutic.