The Pearl

List the reasons the pearl dealers gave for giving Kino such a low price for the pearl.

This is when kino is trying to sell the pearl

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From the text:

"You have heard of fool's gold," the dealer said. "This pearl is like fool's gold. It is too large. Who would buy it? There is no market for such things. It is a curiosity only. I am sorry. You thought it was a thing of value, and it is only a curiosity."

"On the contrary," said the dealer, "it is large and clumsy. As a curiosity it has interest; some museum might perhaps take it to place in a collection of seashells. I can give you, say, a thousand pesos."


"Do not include me in the discussion," he said dryly. "I will make no offer at all. I do not want it. This is not a pearl - it is a monstrosity." His thin lips curled.

"Better pearls are made of paste," he said. "I know these things. This is soft and chalky, it will lose its color and die in a few months.


"One of my clients likes such things," he said. "I will offer five hundred pesos, and perhaps I can sell it to my client for six


The Pearl