The Pearl

In earlier times how did the pearl divers try to get a better price for their pearls and what happened to their efforts?

Chapter 4 of The Pearl by John Steinbeck

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The pearl divers used to give their pearls to pearl buyers who would take them to the capital for the pearl buyers to sell for them. They would get more money that way. Now the pearl buyers just give the kino and his people a small fraction of its worth.

they tricked him and gave him a small sum of money but kino did not really know the real price of the pearl .

Who were they?

Pearlers were mostly men who dug or swam for pearls. They found pearls interesting, or were forced to find pearls be the government. They were not women, because, at that time, it was believed women couldn’t do what men could. (No offence to women)

Where did they come from?

They were: Chinese, Japanese, British and very few Aboriginies.

Why did they come?

They mostly came because they were hoping for better futures in Australia. Some came because they thought that would help the nation, AND they were paid for pearling.

What did they achieve?

They were mostly achieving money. They tried to get better prices for their pearls by lying to the pearl sellers, that the pearls were worth MORE than they actually were. Some of them also achieved a better future for Australia. They might have found a lot pearls, or they might have made peace with people from other cultures.

What was their contribution to the country?

They, like I said, made peace with foreign cultures, and they discovered and dug for pearls.