The Pearl

Can you help me answer some questions about Chapter 4? Thank you.

1.What, in Steinbeck's word, makes a town come alive?

2.Why is La Paz alive today?

3.What is the meaning behind the following sentence from the book:" For kino and Juana this was the morning of mornings of their life, comparable only to the day when the baby was born."

4.How does Kino place his hat on his head, and what does it signify?

5."The house belched people; the doorways spewed out children". What figurative language does the following sentence use? What is the "literal" meaning?

6."But the buyer's eyes had become as steady and cruel and unwinking as a hawk's eyes, while the rest of his face smiled in greeting." What figurative language does the following sentence use? Why does Steinbeck use the comparison of a hawk?

7.Does the first dealer tell Kino the truth?

8.How much does the first dealer offer Kino?

9.When the dealer calls Kino "boy", is he showing respect?

10.What does Kino's community say about his decision to go to the capital to sell the pearl?

11.Why do you think that Kino fighting against society? Why does he consider over and over again?

12.What does Juana beg him to do again and why this time?

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Last updated by Brooklynn G #699816
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Hi, you really have to submit each of your questions separately. There are too many here. 


1. Kino selling the pearl makes the town come alive, A town is a thing like a colonial animal. A town has a nervous system
and a head and shoulders and feet.

Ok i will! please help me right now thank you very much

What is suggested by the priest's frequent comments, shown on pae 46?


The Pearl by John Steinback