The Outsiders

In Chapter 10, how do Ponyboy’s emotional and physical problems build toward a climax in this chapter? Use details from the text to support your answer in a paragraph.

idk what the answer is

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When he is dropped off at his house, Ponyboy finds the remainder of the gang in the living room, tending their wounds from the rumble. When Darry asks where he has been, Ponyboy has to break the news that Johnny has died. The gang responds with "stricken silence." He also reports that Dallas has run off, since he couldn't take it. Ponyboy starts shaking; his heart is beating loudly and he feels as if he will fall over. Then Dally calls from a payphone, saying he's just robbed a grocery store and is running from the cops. As the gang rushes out of the house, Ponyboy feels as if he is about to faint.