The Outsiders

How has Ponyboy changed throughout the book? List three examples

List how Ponyboy has changed throught the book. Whether that means his character or whatever, list it and give some examples.

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When we first meet Ponyboy, he is rebellious and confrontational. He resents his oldest brother because his role has changed. Darry isn't the older brother he looks up to anymore.... he's the man he has to answer to. Ponyboy has a difficult time seeing Darry's point of view and understanding his new responsibilities. Ponyboy makes mistakes, pushes the bar, and it's only after he and Johnny save the children in the church that Ponyboy realizes how much Darry loves him. In the end, the boy who couldn't see himself tearing away from the gang, comes to understand that being a hoodlum is not his goal in life.