The Outsiders

Example from the text, Chapter 3, about Two-Bit Mathews?

I have a question on my work and it is "How is Two-Bit's attitude about life as a greaser differ from Ponyboy's and Johnny's?" It sayd I have to answer the question and put quotes down to support...make sure the examples are from Chapter 3;)

Thank you

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Two-Bit sees life as something to be lived. He doesn't let things get him down, and his world doesn't revolve around his status as a Greaser.

Cherry started walking down the street. "Maybe they won't see us. Act normal."
"Who's acting?" Two-Bit grinned. "I'm a natural normal."


"Shut up talkin' like that," Two-Bit said fiercely, messing up Johnny's hair. "We couldn't get along without you, so you can just shut up!"


"I know," Two-Bit said with a good-natured grin, "the chips are always down when it's our turn, but that's the way things are. Like it or lump it."


The Outsiders