The Outsiders

Chapter 6 : Describe how the boys got hurt. Are they heroes?


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The boys were injured saving the children from the burning church. Johnny gravely hurt with a broken back and serious burns. Yes, they were heroes.

I leaped out the window and heard timber crashing and the flames roaring right behind me. I staggered, almost falling, coughing and sobbing for breath. Then I heard Johnny scream, and as I turned to go back for him, Dally swore at me and clubbed me across the back as hard as he could, and I went down into a peaceful darkness.

"We think the towheaded kid is going to be all right. He burned one arm pretty badly, though, trying to drag the other kid out the window. Johnny, well, I don't know about him. A piece of timber caught him across the back--- he might have a broken back, and he was burned pretty severely.


The Outsiders