The Outsiders

Ch. 3: Think about the walk home from the movies. Cherry and Marcia’s boyfriends pull up in a blue Mustang and Johnny tenses up. Ponyboy thinks about what he sees - what conclusion is he coming up with at this point? How do you know (what info is he putti

I am referring to ch.3 in the Outsiders.

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While the other boys are showing their defenses, Panyboy is thinking about their differences and wishing he had more. He also thinks about the things they have in common.... things that social class do not allow for.

The Mustang came to a halt beside us, and the two boys in the front seat got out. They were Socs all right. One had on a white shirt and a madras ski jacket, and the other a light yellow shirt and a wine-colored sweater. I looked at their clothes and realized for the first time that evening that all I had was a pair of jeans and Soda's old navy sweat shirt with the sleeves cut short.

"It's okay," I said, wishing I was dead and buried somewhere. Or at least that I had on a decent shirt. "We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too."


The Outsiders