The Outsiders

A) What does Darry mean by telling Ponyboy he’s living in a “vacuum”? B) How do you think Ponyboy eventually gets out of it? Pleas eanswer separately.

I am referring to ch. 12

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Darry is trying to tell Ponyboy that his world is so small. All Ponyboy knows is the world of Greasers in this town. THere is so much more to the world and Darry wants Ponyboy to get an education and see it.

"You're not going to drop out. Listen, with your brains and grades you could get a scholarship, and we could put you through college. But schoolwork's not the point. You're living in a vacuum, Pony, and you're going to have to cut it out.

I think Ponyboy will eventually get an education and go to college.