The Outlaw Sea Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show how the issue of anarchy is brought out in William Langewiesche’s The Outlaw Sea.

    Disorder is a concept that is quite well brought out in this work as the effect of relaxed government intervention in situations. In this work, Langeswiesche brings out the casualties that result from government breakdown and disorder takes over, particularly through the presentation of events aboard a pirate ship as well as the Al-Qaeda owned freighters.

  2. 2

    Show how the theme of self-preservation is brought out in The Outlaw Sea.

    The sinking of Estonia results in a lot of chaos among those aboard the ship. In this time when all the passengers are concerned about saving themselves as opposed to following procedures and protocols set out, self-preservation and self-centeredness is brought out. Not only do parents leave their children behind but even children leave their parents behind.

  3. 3

    Show how hazards, particularly at the workplace, are brought out in Langewiesche’s The Outlaw Sea.

    In this work, the hazards that are involved in the shipping industry are brought out in this work and in particular as the industry workers take major risks in their work. In this work, the writer brings to the reader’s attention the most often assumed, overlooked or taken lightly situation of worker mortality as a result of work-related hazards. As these workers take to the sea, their safety is on the line and the writer brings out the particular negligence by unions and relaxed government laws and regulations which often result in preventable deaths.

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