The Odyssey

Based on the text, what can you infer about the experiences of the other men voyaging with Odysseus?


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Odysseus crew would have had similar experiences to Odysseus himself. Their reactions, however, were somewhat different. Each of the men would have been brave, but fear became a part of the journey. The crew went without food, saw their mates eaten by Polyphemus, and were likely angered by some of Odysseus' rash decisions. At other times the crew acted impetuously, their greed causes them to open Aiolos' bag, which they believe holds silver, only to unleash the winds that send them into a hurricane. Then they land on Circe's island, and only one man is suspicious of Circe's singing..... just one. So in the end, we can infer that these brave, well-seasoned sailors are human to the core. They make mistakes, succumb to temptation, and allow their weaknesses to expose them to great danger.


The Oddysey