The New Organon Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the hypothetical resolution of research, according to Francis Bacon?

    Bacon argues that science should focus on initiating and refurbishing the original philosophies. Bacon believes that human beings are gifted with logical reasoning by God, which should help them invent and create things that foster civilization. Therefore, human beings have the duty of using their logic appropriately to improve human life. Consequently, the hypothetical resolution of research is to help people positively impact society to build a better future.

  2. 2

    Why do you think that human beings are godlike animals?

    After reading the book 'The New organon,' it is evident that human beings are divine, and they should use their God given gift of reasoning to improve the world through science. According to Bacon, human beings should apply science to restore their lost glory. Bacon refers to the fall of man in Eden's garden, which should remind man of the need for restoring his dignity. Man's ability to use logic is vital in differentiating him from other animals, which puts him closer to God.

  3. 3

    What is the relationship between science as a discipline and integrity?

    Bacon mostly relates science to sacredness because it results from the gift of logic. The Biblical ontology of the fall of man in the first place is the foundation of logic. Bacon thinks that man can think and choose what is right, unlike other animals in the entire creation. Science is a product of logic that should be applied with high levels of integrity to benefit humanity. Science and integrity go hand in hand. Deviating from integrity renders science insignificant. For instance, inventions and creations should conform with ethical standards; otherwise, the innovations will be destructive to humanity and other animals.

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