The Necklace

Interpretations: 2. When Mme forestier reveals that the necklace was a fake, the reader feels the force of irony-the sense that something has turned out to ge the opposite of what we expected. Explain what makes the story's closing sentences ironic

When Mme forestier reveals that the necklace was a fake, the reader feels the force of irony-the sense that something has turned out to ge the opposite of what we expected. Explain what makes the story's closing sentences ironic

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The irony can be found in the fact that Madame Loisel has spent years laboring to pay the debt incurred from replacing Madame Forestier's necklace. Too proud to for costume jewelry.... Madame Loisel borrows what she believes to be the real thing..... as she would never dream Madame Forestier would wear paste. Alas, she has spent years paying back money for lost fake that she replaced with the real thing.


The Necklace