The Most Dangerous Game


Compare the discussion between Whitney and Rainsford and the afterdinner conversation between Rainsford and Zaroff. In these discussions, is Rainsford more like Whitney or Zaroff? How does he differ from Zaroff? Does the end of the story resolve that difference?

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Rainsford's conversation with Whitney has some parallels with Rainsford’s conversation with General Zaroff. Rainsford points out to Whitney that there are only two classes in the world - the hunted and the hunter. Zaroff also maintains there are two classes in the world-the hunter and the hunted. Zaroff however considers human beings no different than animals. This logic brings Zaroff and Rainsford in alignment except for the moral view of humans. Rainsford of course gets a taste of his own medicine so to speak when he is hunted by Zaroff. Rainsford's eventual victory of Rainsford does support Zaroff's assertion that humans are merely primal beings.