The Most Dangerous Game


explain how beginning the strory with the dialogue between rainsford and Whitney contributes to both the authors characterization of rainsford and the story's mood. Cute evidence from the story in your response

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Rainsford is imparting his belief that humans are superior to animals..... that animals don't know fear...... that they have no feelings. Whitney, however, believes that anilmals do know fear. Shortly after this conversation, Rainsford will learn that his belief in two distinct classes, the hunter and the hunted, isn't as cut and dry as he believed. Becoming the hunted gives him an entirely different perspective.

Rainsford and Whitney’s conversation contributed to the characteriation of Rainsford because it hows that he takes hunting seriously and he does not think that people should not worry about if the creatures being hunted have feelings, but as the story goes on he will understand that being the one hunted gives you a whole new perspective. The example of this is when Rainsford says, “The world is made up of two classes — the hunters and the huntees. Luckily you and I are the hunters.” paragraph 10. Also later on in the story he contradicts what he said about being the hunters and he finally understands that being the one hunted causes great fear and anticipation.


“The Most Dangerous Game”