The Monkey's Paw

What kind of person was Herbert? Give evidence for your answer by quoting from the text.

The monkey's paw

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The son of Mr. and Mrs. White, he works at Maw and Meggins. Youthful, enthusiastic, witty, and curious, he is intrigued by the paw and hopes that the wishes will bring the family wealth and fame. Unfortunately, he is killed in the machinery at the factory where he works because his father's wish of two hundred pounds is fulfilled by the company compensating the family for Herbert's death.

“Well, why don’t you have three, sir?” said Herbert, cleverly.

“Not likely!” said Herbert, with pretended horror. “Why, we’re going to be rich, and famous, and happy.” Smiling, he said, “Wish to be a king, father, to begin with; then mother can’t complain all the time.”

Herbert, with a serious face, spoiled only by a quick smile to his mother, sat down at the piano and struck a few grand chords.


The Monkey's Paw