The Monkey's Paw

There are many traditional stories in which characters are granted three wishes. What theme do many of them share? Can you tell what makes The Monkey's Paw different from others?

Jill D is the real mvp

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Many of these stories revolve around the desire for money, that being the first thing most people think of when given a wish or asked what they'd wish for. The difference between this story and most of the others is the ending..... three wishes generally result in a happy ending. The Monkey's Paw takes an interesting spin with an ending that's anything but happy..... ever.

The Monkey's Paw takes an interesting spin with an ending that's anything but happy..... ever.


Ever wanted to have a wish granted to you from a magic item? In the story, The Monkeys Paw, a man by the name of Mr. White, finds is bringing a small paw of a monkey, in which he is granted three wishes. The theme; Be careful what you wish for is shown through the development of the characters and the deepening of the plot.

To begin, when Sergeant-Major Morris, a friend of the White's, comes to the Whites home, he shows the monkey’s paw, which immediately intrigues both father and son. Although they can’t see any harm in a simple wish, the Sergeant warns Mr. White about the consequences of a selfish wish. The sergeant pleads “‘If you must wish’ he said gruffly, ‘wish for something sensible.’”(Jacobs, par 47) It shows how Major Morris tries to tell Mr. White that a selfish wish may end up in his demise. Even if Mr. White didn’t believe what he was saying, the warning was still there and Mr. white had the choice to take it, but instead, he decided to ignore the warning made by the sergeant. Furthermore, showing how the character of Mr. White doesn’t care let alone believe the warnings Major Morris is preaching to him.

The plot of the story played an important role in deciding whether or not, Mr. White believed the words of the Sergeant. When the son had died, the wife, Mrs. White begged her husband to wish him alive again, but to her dismay, it was not her son that was brought back to life. As soon as Mrs. White opens the door, she is left in horror as alluded in the sentence stated here; “A cold wind rushed up the staircase and a long loud wail of disappointment and misery from his wife gave him the courage to run down to her side, and then to the gate beyond.”(Jacobs, par 144) The wife’s scream signifies her disappointment when she realizes it's not her son, but a creature at the door. Therefore showing how although the wish was granted, it was not what the wife had hoped would happen.

All things considered, when the monkey’s paw had entered the White’s luxurious home, the whole family’s ears perked up when three wishes were mentioned, but when it was their turn to wish, the fate of their son took a dark twist. With the help of the plot and the character’s development, the theme be careful what you wish for showed its true colors. When given a wish, wish for need, not for greed.


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