The Monkey's Paw

Identify a central theme or idea of The Monkey's Paw and analyze the way events, setting, and character interactions help develop this theme.


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The story never explicitly states that the paw was the reason for Herbert’s death, nor does it reveal whether the mysterious knocker at the White’s home is in fact an undead Herbert. Both events could be a coincidence: the money could have simply happened to be the amount they wished for; the knocking could be a stranger, animals, a trick of nature, etc. This uncertainty makes the reader question the nature of reality, leading them to believe in the supernatural rather than the logical. Superstition is thus one of the most important forces in the short tale because of how it affects the reader.

For additional information on the story's themes, check out GradeSaver's theme page for this unit.


The Monkey's Paw, GradeSaver