The Monkey's Paw

Describe the atmosphere in this story, and quote from the story to support your answer.

As well as the physical setting, the atmosphere also contributes to the overall effect of the story. this is the "feeling" the setting gives the characters and the reader as we read. for example, the atmosphere in a church is usually quiet and peaceful which leaves the person in a church to feel the same way. on the other hand, the atmostphere at fantasyland is loud, busy, and full of excitement which causes anyone who is there to feel that. atmosphere is created, in part by setting, but also by how characters are acting. describe the atmostphere in this story, and quote from the story to support your answer.

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he story is set in England around the turn of the twentieth century. It opens with the elderly Mr. and Mrs. White and their son Herbert in their cozy family home one stormy evening. Father and son are playing chess while Mrs. White knits by the fire. From their conversation, it is apparent they are expecting a visitor. The weather outside might possibly foreshadow the storm (trouble) that will soon descend upon their home.

Outside, the night was cold and wet, but in the small living room the curtains were closed and the
fire burned brightly.


The Monkey's Paw