The Metamorphosis

Identify how Kafka’s choices related to structure and the order of events in “The Metamorphosis” help create the ambiguity, dream-like quality, and sense of alienation that are characteristic of Modernist writing.

Use these guidelines in your writing or discussion.Identify how the story is ambiguous, or open-ended. Which elements of the story are never explained?Identify some of the dream-like elements in the story. For example, how is Gregor’s situation like a nightmare?Which character represents the Modernist theme of alienation, or feelings of isolation and disconnection from people?Consider the order of events. When is the greatest surprise in the story revealed? How does the order of events contribute to a theme about alienation?

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These are interesting questions but this is only a short-answer space. Metamorphosis is a short story that is told in three parts. The entire story is only fifty pages in length with the parts labelled in Roman numerals. The sections each average sixteen pages in length. As gregor makes his transformation, the tone becomes more surreal which helps the reader navigate the layers of meaning.