The Maze Runner

Why do u think gally picks on thomas?

Maze runner

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Gally does not trust Thomas from the beginning of the book. He is Thomas's first enemy and antagonist in the Glade.

Because everything in the glade begins to go wrong as soon as Thomas shows up.

Gally is one of the antagonists in the Maze Runner. He is described as a bully and would rather tend to be a dictator. In the book the Maze Runner Gally picks on Thomas because Gally is one of those shanks whose been through the "Changing", which brought back old memories, memories that included Thomas with the Creators. Gally doesn't completelt remember because the memories start fading quickly. Throughout the book Gally suspects Thomas and abhors him.

Gally is one of the antagonists in the Maze Runner. He is described as a bully and would rather tend to be a dictator. In the book the Maze Runner Gally picks on Thomas because Gally is one of those shanks whose been through the "Changing", which brought back old memories, memories that included Thomas with the Creators. Gally doesn't completelt remember because the memories start fading quickly. Throughout the book Gally suspects Thomas and abhors him.