The Maze Runner

How does Minho treat Thomas?

Chapter 12

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Minho emerges as a cocky, arrogant type who slowly grows on Thomas. He is practical and utilitarian, and like Thomas harbors something of an independently-minded, rebellious streak. Although the ages of the boys are never clearly detailed, there is the sense that Minho is older or at the very least, wiser, than many of the other Gladers. Minho is initially dismissive of Thomas, even something of a bully. Thomas thinks to himself that he must stand up to Minho. In this exchange, we can see the novel's allegory to a young teenager's experiences in high school. Despite his attitude, Minho's methods are direct and goal-oriented, something Thomas admires and feels is lacking in the Glade. Minho's introduction comes to suggest a possible alliance for Thomas but also marks the beginning of a loss of power on Alby's part.


The Maze Runner