The Mayor of Casterbridge

what do you know about lucetta

character skeching

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Lucetta Templeman (Le Sueur)

She is a flighty and indiscreet woman who follows her emotions. In her youth, she met Michael Henchard in her native Jersey. She wishes to marry him, but is stopped when Susan returns. After Susan's death, she moves to High-Place Hall in Casterbridge to keep an eye on Michael. However, she falls in love with Michael's rival Farfrae and marries him. She constantly fears that Michael will reveal their past connections through her scandalous love letters. Eventually the letters are read by the townspeople of Casterbridge, and they hold a skimmity-ride to mock the relationship between Lucetta and Michael. The shock of seeing the skimmity-ride kills Lucetta.


Thanks Miss JILL . but i have to say that can we add that lucetta is a flirtatious woman. she is a woman who can use and exploit a man by fabricating stories. And she is seductive which is known by her letters in which she said in the end "yours ever". she has also low self respect

as she recieves handsome amount of money from HENCHARD.