The Masterpiece Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Christine considering Claude’s painting as her biggest rival in marriage?

    Christine is married to Claude, but he is more in love with his paintings than anything else. Claude is fond of painting nude women for salons and other similar occasions. Christine finds this unfair, and she decides to undress in from Claude to paint her. Christine wants Claude to think of her all the time, but her efforts do not bear much. Claude is just obsessed with his art than his wife, son, and anything else. Consequently, art is taking away Claude's love, and this makes Christine sad. Christine considers Claude's paintings as her biggest rival in marriage.

  2. 2

    Is Paris representatively used in ‘The Masterpiece’ by Emile Zola?

    Most of 'The Masterpiece' occurs in Paris, which is symbolical to represent the approval of world-shattering minds. Everyone who wants to shine goes to Paris. For instance, authors, artists, and all other categories of innovators are looking for acceptance in Paris. The most successful painters and other innovators stay in Paris. Claude returns to Paris so that he can exploit his potential, gain fame and financial stability.

  3. 3

    What is the irony of Claude’s paintings?

    Claude is in love with his paintings more than with anything else. He does not value his wife and child as much as he values his paintings. The reader expects painting to do good things for Claude, but the opposite happens in the end. Claude's love for paintings kills him. The reader finds it ironic that Claude hangs himself while painting in his studio beside his wife's unfinished painting.

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