The Marriage of Figaro

The Marriage of Figaro Glossary

Apollo (proper noun)

the Greek and Roman god of sunlight, prophecy, music, and poetry.

bel-esprit (noun)

a person of great wit or intellect.

bonmot (noun)

A witty remark or comment.

cudgel (noun)

a short, thick stick used as a weapon.

plenipotentiary (noun)

a person, especially a diplomat, invested with the full power of independent action on behalf of their government, typically in a foreign country.

rhodomontade (noun)

a bragging speech.

riband (noun)

archaic spelling of ribbon.

vassal (noun)

a person or country in a subordinate position to another.

duenna (noun)

an older woman acting as a governess and companion in charge of girls, especially in a Spanish family.

dupe (noun)

a victim of deception.

zounds (exclamation)

archaic exclamation expressing surprise or indignation.

wanton (adjective)

sexually unrestrained or having many casual sexual relationships.

gallant (noun)

a man who pays special attention to women.

rake (noun)

a fashionable or wealthy man of dissolute or promiscuous habits.

azure (adjective)

bright blue in color like a cloudless sky.

repose (noun)

a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility.

sot (verb)

drink habitually.

bagatelle (noun)

a thing of little importance; a very easy task.

billet (noun)

a place, usually a civilian's house or other nonmilitary facility, where soldiers are lodged temporarily.

partisan (adjective)

prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.