The Man of Feeling Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Man of Feeling Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A ring (symbol)

There many kinds of rings but one of them, an engagement ring, has a special meaning, for it is a symbol of love, a strong connection between two people. When Mr. Harley visits Bedlam and meets a strange woman, who offers him a ring and asks him “to keep it” to her sake, she asks about his compassion. She says that her “heart is harmless” and “poor” and so is Mr. Harley’s. These similarities connect them and create a strong bond between them.

The man of feelings (allegory)

Indeed, every person has feelings. So does Mr. Harley. He is an allegory of compassion, kindness, and readiness to sacrifice his own happiness for sake of others. His “feeling heart” is an allegory of purity, “simplicity of children” and wisdom. His death is also meaningful; for he leaves this world with clear conscience and wakes the same high feelings in hearts of other people.

The pursuit of happiness and justice (Motif)

This novel depicts people, who crave happiness. They are even ready to sacrifice their own good for others or suffer for their own, for “happiness” is the main goal. Those, who have “a prospect of happiness” in this world, are lucky ones, for they still have a hope. Unfortunately, happiness might be followed with suffering and other misfortunes, then the characters learn, how to preserve purity of their souls and hearts.

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