The Kite Runner

List Amir's injuries. Of what does his lip injury remind him?

chapters 23-24

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Only by intervening on behalf of Sohrab, essentially sacrificing himself as Hassan once sacrificed himself for him, does Amir redeem himself. He takes a stand against this domination, and in doing so he is left with a split upper lip, recalling Hassan’s cleft lip.


Amir fades in and out of consciousness. He wakes up two days later in a hospital in Peshawar with a broken jaw, punctured lung, ruptured spleen, and other injuries. Dr.Faruqi the-head and-neck surgeon has saved his life in the nick of the moment. Amir recovers slowly but surely under the devoted care of the nurse Aisha. Amir'supper lip is badly cut and Faruqi tells him that even after plastic surgery there will be a scar. Amir's upper lip has been cut and it now resembles a hare lip - like that of Hassan's before his surgery.
