The Kid

The Kid Imagery

Crying Child (Visual Imagery)

After The Woman leaves her son in the backseat of a fancy car, two thieves steal the car and drive off. When they stop in a poor area, Chaplin cuts to an image of the child crying in the backseat. He then cuts back to the thieves, who only now realize what they have done. In this example of visual imagery, Chaplin conveys the unexpected and disruptive sound that alerts the men to the child's presence.

Winding Up (Visual Imagery)

When John and The Tramp are out scamming people into paying The Tramp to repair the windows John breaks, John stands behind a building corner and prepares his next rock. As the boy prepares his arm, he stretches it back to the torso of the police officer standing behind him. In this example of visual imagery, Chaplin creates a humorous and tense moment by showing the child being completely unaware that a cop is watching this mischievous activity.

Pancakes (Visual Imagery)

To establish the relationship The Tramp and John have developed over five years, Chaplin shows The Kid and The Tramp eating pancakes for breakfast. While it appears at first as if The Tramp is reprimanding the child for eating only the syrup, he is actually telling John he needs to eat it with the other side of the knife. The Tramp then eats one of his pancakes with an enormous chunk of butter wrapped inside. With this visual imagery, Chaplin shows that The Tramp's parental instincts are rooted in his own childlike approach to life.

Pep Talk (Visual Imagery)

When a bully steals John's dog toy, John chases him down and the two brawl. As a crowd forms to watch, The Tramp runs over and breaks up the fight. However, when he sees how well John is doing against the taller, older boy, The Tramp switches from trying to end the fight to emulating the mannerisms of a boxing coach. In an example of visual imagery, The Tramp pulls John over to a windowsill so he can rest like a boxer taking a break between rounds. While John is resting, The Tramp gives John a pep talk before pushing him back into the ring.